
The WELCOME Framework

Developed for the National Accessible Tourism Mentoring Program 2022, funded by the Australian Trade and Investment Commission

This guide has practical advice to make your tourism business more accessible and inclusive.

Download The Welcome framework .pdf

The Austrade funded pilot program enabled us to support tourism operators in 10 destinations around Australia become more accessible.

The project allowed us to analyse the state of the market, influence broad change, and demonstrate an approach which can then be widely adopted by tourism providers of all kinds.

Eleven tourism businesses acted as accessible tourism champions for the project. Champions offer examples and advice for other tourism operators wanting to become more accessible. Learn more about the Project Champions at Austrade.

The regions highlighted for the project are;

  • Hahndorf, SA
  • Launceston & north, TAS
  • Inverloch, VIC
  • Lakes Entrance, VIC
  • Canberra, ACT
  • Penrith & Parramatta, NSW
  • Gold Coast, QLD
  • Whitsundays, QLD
  • Darwin, NT
  • Margaret River, WA


Join our exclusive online community for tourism professionals to gain support to implement the framework and learn, share insights, get feedback and support each other to shape the future of the Australian accessible tourism industry.

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